Living Your Best Life!

May 12, 2024

I have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out what living your best life means. I have discovered the definition of living is determined by the season you are in. There is no one-size-fits-all despite popular belief. For instance, if you’re in a season of tribulation, living is surviving. Living is getting through each day with a positive outlook, even when things seem bleak. Living in a season of tribulation means finding things to be grateful for and creating your happiness. Secondly, Living when things are going well means we should appreciate the good, never boast, and stay humble. Remember those who lack, pray for those in distress, and always forgive. And don’t forget to store up your cheer up because seasons change.

Some would have us believe living is driving and expensive car, living in a house that you probably can’t afford, and buying the latest in fashion. While these things may bring temporary satisfaction, the truth is if your finances don’t match your lifestyle, depression, and poverty come easy.

I say, living your best life is a state of mind that you control. What do you think, are you living your best life?

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  1. Michele Brown

    I now realize what. LOVE is. Love is kind, patient ,joy and. Peace,
    happiness, when I allowed God to enter my life I found love. God Is love.,
    This is what I call living your best life.
    By. Brown.

    • Rosa Speaks

      So true, I agree God’s love goes beyond or love. It transcends the world and there is no living without it. At some of my worse moments dealing with people, I discovered my love had faded away. But I knew a life without love wasn’t living because hate and resentment had a chance to take root. So I asked God for his love. He answered with the gift of his love which is never ending and set me free. If anyone needs a change in life and fulfillment to extinguish the negativity in your life, try Gods love, he gives it freely!


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